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On another one of my blogs, I’ve posted a poll about my Very Bad Cat and her antics.  Readers are deciding which of these antics was worst. 

One of them involves uncerimoniously defacing my knitting bag while it was full of N’s Yummy New socks, before they were completely finished. 

Oh no, she didn’t!

Oh yes, sadly, she did.

Go vote right here–don’t let our craftiness be underrepresented!

All it took is One Day of my Sewing Greatness, and N drug out her little old fashioned chain-stitch kids’ Singer machine.  The excitement was palpable:

“Will you teach me now, Mom?  Will you teach me now, Mom?  Will you teach me now, Mom?  How about now, Mom?” 

“N, honey, it’s bedtime.”  “It’s too early.  I haven’t even brushed my teeth.”   “I’m making dinner.”  “We’re getting ready to walk out the door.”

Undaunted and (amazingly, still) smiling, she approached The Meanest Mom in the World again today, machine in hand.  Finally, the result she was waiting for, “Sure.”

She got to know her machine by sewing stitches into rags.

N's First Sewing Lesson

N's First Sewing Lesson

And sewing, and sewing, and sewing:

A Proverbs 31 Woman in Training!

A Proverbs 31 Woman in Training

Then I cut her loose and she was on her own.  Left unchecked by my creatively-challenged self, she knew no bounds.  She made herself an emboidered vest. 

N's Vest

N's Vest

Of course she’s at her first day on the job, but really, how many of us grown-ups would have tried free-hand embroidery on our first day with a sewing machine?  You go, girl!
The B

The B

Ok, yes, this started out as a T-Shirt rag and first was envisioned as a vest for our dog, Belle.  (Which explains the bold letter “B” on the back.)  Belle was none-too-pleased with her new wardrobe, so N decided to keep her first creation for herself.  I told her the B should stand for Bold and Brave (thinking to myself that I never would have dared to create something with just a rag, some thread, a machine, and an idea). 

Her new career as a designer in full swing, N kept creating…

Behold, our cat, Cuddles, modeling her new vest (note the “C” emblazoned on the back):

Cuddles in her new vest

Cuddles in her new vest


Today at our house, we discovered that kids are amazingly creative and bold when adults can keep their instruction-reading, pattern-addicted, perfectionist-laden hands and minds at a safe distance. 

We also discovered that cats have more patience than dogs.

Good Kitty.

Good Kitty.

It’s definitely love.

Must Be Love

Must Be Love


Well, maybe not all cats. 

Pearl struggles to escape N's grip and her new outfit.

Pearl struggles to escape N's grip and her new outfit.

On that note: I hear the sewing machine running at the other end of the house.  Shhh….designer at work.  🙂

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