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Okay, so this is probably the FUNNIEST COMMERCIAL I have ever seen.  I think the one on TV actually was a little longer than this, but you’ll definitely get the idea!

If you’re a knitter, you’ll be crying with laughter in 16 seconds…

Warning:  knitters go to the potty BEFORE you click the link:

Probably the Funniest Commercial I Have Ever Seen


Photo Credit

Well, I’m officially in Big Trouble.  My youngest daughter, M, has been witness to the excitement and enthusiasm surrounding N’s debut into the World of Sewing, and naturally, she will not be left behind.

So I dutifully drug myself to the nearest Hobby Lobby and purchased her a $15 Kids’ Singer (hot pink, of course) and some sale bin fabric.  She has announced to me her list of project goals and is more excited about learning to sew than eating or sleeping.  I’ll sneak some photos at least of the cute little machine (and my ever-expanding stack of sale fabric) tomorrow and get them online for ya.  But Big Trouble, with both girls wanting to sew now. 

Speaking of Trouble, the cute little LYS where the Yarn That Has Stolen My Heart is having a party/sale evening tomorrow and I’m being lured in that direction.  Don’t buy the yarn.  Don’t buy the yarn.  Don’t buy the yarn.  (I’ll have to let you know how this works out…)  Details about the object of my obession are here.

And then there’s Little Bit of Trouble:  M has the role of a cute little ornery lion cub in an upcoming children’s play in our area.  (Can you say typecasting?!)  And–Surprise!  Parents are responsible for the costumes.  Mom to the rescue (not ME, silly…MY MOM, the costume-maker and woman-who-can-create-anything, to the rescue!).  So the little trouble, is really trouble for which I have a partner in crime–team lion cub creators. 

I am also knitting monkey tails for the same play.  Really.  Monkey tails.  But seriously, once you learn to make an I-cord, you can’t really call making eight brown ones while destashing some of your old yarn trouble, can you?!

SO–I promise soon to post photos of:

1.  M’s new sewing machine, hopefully with her in action

2.  N’s latest sewing adventures

3.  The lion cub costume WIP

4.  The monkey tails

5.  Hopefully nothing from the yarn store–but if I break down, I’ll confess to it all here.  Seriously–I’m just going for a visit.

Yes, I know the Ravelympics have been over for awhile now, but since I’m a long-run kind of gal, I kept going with some of my unfinished projects.  (Well, actually, I kept going because of M’s sad puppy eyes and little hints–Aren’t you going to finish my skirt, Mommy?)

Here is the Finished Object,  M’s cute little pink skirt:

Skirt Front

Back of Skirt


Incidentally, ignore the dates on these pics.  It should not surprise any followers of this blog that I’m having frustrating camera issues, but at least they are uploading, so I’m not offically complaining about it.


Here’s the skirt detail:



The skirt is from a pattern called Skirtsicle, which I found on Ravelry.  I’m really glad I sprung for the $4 and purchased the pattern, both because M found it herself and was squeaking with delight about it and also because it was easy-peasy to knit and worked up so fast. 


I actually had planned to use a different colorway, but I had this stash yarn and since M is a pink girl, I thought this would be a great way to practice without Investing in More Yarn, a forbidden practice in our home.  (See also:  You have enough yarn!  What do you need more yarn for?  How are you ever going to use all this yarn?!)


Anyway, since this turned out so well, I may be acquiring some contraband cotton to make a petite little Christmas present…



I say, who cares if I didn’t get it done (or started) before the Olympics were over!  M loves it so much that she’s worn it three days in a row.  That sounds like an Olympic event in and of itself.  Come to think of it, so does having to pry the skirtcicle off of her to wash it! 


I am in love.  True love.  It’s okay–even though I am a married woman.  You see, I am in love with a skein of yarn.  Not just any yarn, mind you.  The Most Beautiful Yarn in the World. 

I saw this yarn a month or so ago at a cute little yarn shop where my friend Kari and I took a sock class.  Just looking at it is like beholding a work of art.  Seriously.  Gorgeous. 

No.  I’m not selling it to anyone.  Indeed, I am not even sharing the location of this fabulous fiber, because I don’t want anyone else to buy it either.  You can’t buy it.  Please don’t buy it. 

See, I cannot buy it.  I just cannot.  It is Not In Our Budget.  Truly, it’s outrageously priced, but it’s also  outrageously beautiful yarn (can you hear the rationalization?).  So I have exercised self-control, even to the extent of telling my husband how much the yarn costs.  Naturally, the amazing specimen has now become contraband.  No way is it coming into my house now, baby. 

But I do go and visit it from time to time.  Really, I mean it.  It’s still there on the shelf, waiting for me.  Last time I was there I took a picture to share it with you. 

I told you so.

Yarn rookie that I am, I didn’t even write down the name from the tag to share it with you.  I’ll get it on my next visit and let you know then.

Oh yes, and I’ve resisted the urge to hide the poor thing on the bottom of the stack toward the back of the shelf so someone with a champagne budget couldn’t have it either.  I mean this yarn deserves to be knitted into something beautiful. 

But for now, I still have my visits to look forward to.  *Sigh*

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